After experiencing a fragility fracture (a broken bone due to poor bone quality), only 10%–20% of patients are started on appropriate treatment, and treatment rates have worsened in recent years. A broken bone is not benign! In addition to the pain, loss of independence, and disruption to daily life, the 1-year mortality rate for hip fracture patients is between 21-30%. That means that 1 out of every 3 people with a hip fracture will die within 1 year of having a hip fracture.
The clinical and economic burden of osteoporosis related fractures is projected to increase significantly with the aging of the U.S. population. The annual number of fractures experienced by U.S. women over 65 years of age is projected to increase from 1.9 million in 2018 to approximately 3 million by 2040, with associated total societal costs rising from $57 billion to $95 billion.
At Vigeo Orthopedics, we believe that we can do better! We are committed to ensuring that communities have access to high quality musculoskeletal care. We help individuals achieve their bone and joint health goals by using evidence-based medicine, technological innovations, and community engagement. Find out more about how Vigeo Orthopedics can improve access to compassionate, high quality, cost effective musculoskeletal care in your community by visiting